Double or Nothing: Need Help

Need help with double or nothing. I can do the trapeze part where you go over your non throw hand with your yo-yo then over to your throw hand but I can’t land the yo-yo on the string after I go over the non throw hand again. I usually land it on multiple strings, the second string or the one nearest to me. Please help :slight_smile:

you just gotta keep practicing it. thats pretty much the best advice.

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You just need to focus on keeping the strings seperate.

The first wrap over your Non-throw index should be at the base of the finger, near your hand.

When it goes over your throwhand, have the string in the middle of your finger, and when you land it, the last wrap should be near the tip of your Non-throwhand index.

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I had this problem too, just make sure that the first wrap goes around the back of your finger and the second wrap where you land the yoyo more towards the front.

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Yea if you just practice this for about an hour straight (or more depending on if you’re really trying or just hoping you land it), I’m pretty sure you will have it down

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Practice the Houdini mount first.

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I had the same problem too. I swear, these things just take LOTS of practice. You will have it DOWN

Consider using your wrist or arm so that you keep your strings REALLY separate. You can always move your arm so that the string drops down to where it would be if you only used your fingers.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but that really helps (practicing an hour straight.) A few days ago I could land the yo-yo on the right string only 25% of the time but now it’s 85% (btw practicing the houdini mount first and making the strings separate also helped.) I still need a bit of practice but I’m getting there. ;D

That’s what we’re here for :wink:

Hope you get that trick

^ Thats what I did. It felt better learning Houdini mount first after failing a bunch trying to land Double on just that one string. Keep throwing it. It will come to you.

ok first of all
1.throw a trapezze
2.throw hand under the yoyo (make the strings mainly towards the back of your finger)
3. now try tossing it over onto the string and the string your trying to land it on will be on the tip or close to the end of your finger

im trying to give instructions and i have to do the steps myself to know what to tell you
keep up the good work