Does anyone here do 5A?

I’ve done 5A play a few times before.


I want to get into it. Need to get myself a legit counterweight.


What 5A tricks have you learned so far and what yo-yo / counterweight are you learning on?


I learned the basic stall and the double or nothing release. I used the counterweight that came with my Yoyojam Pinnacle.

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One of the cooler looking and kind of easier tricks to learn is BeeSting. I can do it about half of the time. :slight_smile:

(Well maybe less than half the time lol so maybe it’s not THAT easy)


I can 5A play anything I can do 1A. I would love to excel enough to do two at the same time. It is a comfortable style for me. It feels more natural to play 5A, but it is risky business!

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if my house was not filled with expensive breakable trinkets, i would 5a a bunch more, but i cant risk a flyaway. and I dont like to “practice” outside. same for 4a. ive got the equip and got some basic skills but just dont have the right place to let loose.


I would love to 4A, I don’t have the right equipment. I really don’t need though. I know I don’t really need 4A equipment because of this video. The Man was doing it on a basic 1A yoyo!

Same here. You’ve GOT to try out aerial bee sting. It’s so much fun when you land it. I’m also working on the pendulum wrap and reverse bee sting so that I can do the bees knees


It does look fun.

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It took me 2 weeks to learn how to throw and return the yoyo to my hand. Now I have many throws with my favorite Steve cw and I love how you don’t have to put the string on your finger. Really great while in line waiting.