when you aren’t playing with a yoyo regularly? Like the couple i don’t play every day i dont leave string on them. My thinking was my climate is humid plus i reasoned it probably wasnt good for string tension/springyness. I thought it might last longer if i let it go truly neutral when it wasnt being used instead of having it tightly bound and twisted all the time, but maybe I’m overthinking it. Curious to know what yall do
I keep my yoyos dressed at all times. They are ready for work at a moment’s notice.
I have some throws that get a little love maybe once a month. Some of them have had the same string on them for over a year. I have not noticed any ill effect yet. I don’t live in the most humid area either.
I have never removed the strings from yoyos Im not playing.
Seems like an extra 2-3 steps I dont want to take
Nope, strung up and ready at all times. I have days where I will throw pretty much every yoyo in my collection (about 60 throws atm). Sometimes I learn a new trick and I try to do it on every yoyo I own.
Short answer: depends if you want to put extra effort in taking off and on the string LOL
Long answer:
While trying to organize yo-yos in bulk, I do find it easier/better to not have them strung since some strings can get tangled and messy with all the yo-yos in the bin if that is what your yo-yos are in. but it depends on the scenario! - Usually if they are in a case, the yo-yos should all be pretty separate, but if you are OCD about it, I can see the strings being removed would be nice aesthetically/less risk of getting out tangles from transportation LOLOL
I don’t think it should really effect the strings play though, but it wouldn’t hurt if you take them off and store them properly like in a ziplock baggie or something - I am lazy and just leave them on LOL - I find there isn’t that much of a difference
I read somewhere that over time, humidity accumulates and that may cause the bearing to get rusty on some places.
Seems logical to me. The climate in my region is pretty humid so I remove strings. I place the string only on plastic yoyo or in empty spots in my yoyo cases.
In any case, I burn through strings pretty quickly so this is not a problem in the first place… Just me been obsessive.
Also another reason why I love @MattB YoYoStringlab strings because them come in nice toobs for extra protection!
I make my own strings and sometimes I put off making new ones so I’ll be down to like 3-5 good usable strings and move them around between multiple yoyos. Most of the yoyos on my shelf don’t have a string on them, but they have clean bearings and are ready to go as soon as they’re strung up!
Guess im overthinking things for the most part, as usual More i think about it tho i do kinda like getting one suited up before i play. Not sure I’ll change my routine, maybe just the reason
Good to know it shouldn’t affect much either way though
It’s all about enjoyment. If you get joy stringing them up… nothing wrong with that.
One of my bearings rusted
I also live in singapore so it’s very humid
I always remove the string form the yoyo whenever I’m not using it
One of the best way to build habits that you want to maintain is to make them easy. The opposite is true for habits you want to discourage. If your goal is to stop playing with the Yoyo, then the best way to do it is to unstring it, then put it back in the box you got it from and put that in a drawer somewhere. Me personally, I like to keep my yoyos strung and put one in at least every room and in my car, that way I always have one available to throw whenever I get the urge, which is often.
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That seems like a really great training plan. With all the different types of throws out there it’s really interesting to see how each one performs different tricks! You’ll definitely get a lot of out that.
The great thing about yoyos is that it’s a hobby you can take everywhere. I really like it for while I’m waiting on the bus.
I love having a yoyo when I have to wait somewhere. Way better than looking at the internet on my phone or something.
This is true! However! I would give you a pass for looking at your phone IF what you were looking at was a trick tutorial!
I’d definitely have a yoyo in hand anyway if I’m lookin at tutorials! I have done that though, youtube on the phone learning new tricks in line
I’ve been trying to get Black Hops down for so long. I just can’t seem to get it. I would get worried trying those new tricks in line though around other people lol. At the bus stop I can at least back off a bit. I was teaching a friend at work and the other day he almost just smacked someone in the break room lol.
Usually people will give me a lil room if I ask them for it, but I don’t usually need to, people don’t seem to stand too close in line here anyway. I’ve never hit anyone but myself with the yoyo and I intend to keep it that way!