Do you guys approve of my order

Yo! I haven’t orderd this yet but, I have 100$ to spend so i was going for a ton of plastics so i can review them, this is what i came up with

What do you guys think :grinning: ps. Its not 2 replay pros its just in both pics


Me, PERSONALLY, would switch out the freehand nextgen, find $10 and get the freehand one.

I only say this cause I currently have one in my cart, and I’ve tried one briefly. Also, I’d say get a thesis dacapo, but that’s technically a hybrid and $60.


Speedaholic XX and Mojo are good. Get rid of the freehand and replay and switch the flight for a flight pro or something better. Take the savings and get strings, counter weight, lube, extra bearing etc.


Going to second the Freehand One comment. Such a great throw! Best of the best when it comes to plastic Duncans.