Ive been throwing for a little over a year now and have tossed a good amount of metal. I just started messing around with 5a and I am falling in love with the duncan freehand line. I have a pro and a next gen in the mailbox when i get home. And a one otw in the mail. Am i weirdo? I went from a g2 banshee ss to a dang freehand. Lmao.
I LOVE the NextGen freehand, as well as the others. Nextgen is my fav. The Freehand Pro is probably second for me. The new Freehand 1 is fun, but is more about nostalgia for me. You are not weird at all.
I just recently got on the freehand train too. I love it. There is something special about it for sure.
Thank da lawd lmao. I was like am i backwards? Did i aepdn hundreds to realize I like plastic. Lmaoo. But i did throw my speedaholic this morning and realized why i love my bi metals. I just got sucked in for some reason.
I’m suspect to talk about Duncan, specially Freehand. All, since Freehand 1 (OG). Particularly I have loved the Freehand AL. It’s one of my favorites. Highly recommended; it’s comfortable, not too wide, very good finish, just right diameter, very big gap, and the caps leave a lot of weight on the edges, giving a strong and consistent spin.
Ive been contemplating selling something or trading for one. Im digging the profile in the pics ive seen. It looks like a nice one. Thats my only complaint about the fh pro is the gap width but im getting used to it.
The freehand AL is a BEAST. That thing is so stable and just goes forever.
absolutely yes
I have just about every model of plastic FH as well and they all have a place, so you’re not weird at all haha. I like them for learning 5a stuff where I know I’m gonna drop the yoyo a few times. If it gets scuffed it’s cool it was 15-20 bucks
FH1 is super fun I don’t have any others from the line but I have days where it’s like the only thing I throw and I like to try to do whatever tricks I learn on it if possible
Yea ill be posting some stuff soon to trade or sell for an AL. I need one been watching videos all morning lmao
I saw a pink and black AL for 20 bucks on FB bst. Shoot me a message if you want a name.