Do different aluminum grades offer different ano’s?

As the title says. What I mean by this is, does 6061 ano differently then 7086 and everything in between? Such as 7075. I know for Titanium you can get different finishes not possible on aluminum. I ask because I saw the Cadence ES and to me the fade looks different from other yo-yos and I know the yo-yo is 7068, which is a high grade. also: @sfyoyos love the fade :ok_hand:

Edit: I don’t know why there is a link, but it just leads to a full screen pic and not a store. Don’t know if this still counts as a violation


The “harder” and “denser” Al alloys (7068 / 7075) are more difficult to anodize, yes, I’ve heard this many times.

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Is this same finish possible on 6061?

Yeah to over generalize - typically the higher quality the aluminum is the more difficult it is to anodize.

With that said - it definitely depends on the type of anodizing and the anodizers familiarity with the specific aluminum. But I remember specifically with YoYoJam back on the day the higher quality the aluminum was gave some weird ano issues (including it coming off much easier with thumb grinds since that was always the test for me - hahahaha).


The thumb grind problem you mentioned is muy interesante (very interesting)

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Didn’t yoyojam use a weird grade aluminum? 2000 grade or something?


I believe that is accurate. :+1:

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So that explains my string turning blue around the bearing seat/worn ano on the thumb grind lip on my Eneme, or “pocket worn” ano on my Karma :slight_smile: Karma doesn’t have any dings but it definitely looks well loved as it’s been with me on many occasions!