dm and legacy

if you already own the dm do you think you need a legacy. im getting the dm for christmas and my freehand 2 broke so i ordered a legacy. do you think i made the right decision. also i plan on using my legacy for places where its likely to bump and my dm for home.

You don’t ever have to get a yoyo, but what you’re doing sounds good, as long as you have the money.

yeah i sold something to my friend and used the money for the legacy and the dm is for a christmas present

i shouldve gotten the xconvict and the legacy but oh well. my next yoyo when one of those breaks will probally be the m1

At this point for you, I would suggest getting a metal. However, I like my Legacy more than my Dark Magic.

the m1 is metal and undersized

Yes… I realize this…


For what? You didn’t do anything wrong. :slight_smile:


yah you dont even need a dm just buy 2 legacys if you really want to spend the money

If he wants to spend the money then let him. Especially if he’s buying from Andre.