I charge $60. That includes priority return shipping (but not paypal fees)
I cant promise to hit exact colors, but i can usually get pretty close. Its more the shade that isnt always exact.
This includes 3 attempts. If you dont like what ive done, i can strip it and try again.
On the 3rd try, you keep it or i can strip it and send back raw.
(Light, and Smooth Hall monitor Jirohen)
Your work is amazing, I wish I had a raw that you could dizzodize, also you have an amazing collection of Yixing pots!
And for the record, i can strip them if needed.
(Light, and Smooth Hall monitor Jirohen)
Would that increase the cost if you needed to strip an already anodiezed throw?
Also, I don’t think I’d want any of the current ones I have stripped since I do actually enjoy the colorways I have at the moment, but hopefully in the future if you’re still taking commissions!
These pieces look fantastic! Should the pads/axle/bearing be removed prior to shipping to you, or do you do that? Can some pads be reused in the case you want to try the yoyo as is before the ano process?
What i do has no effect on pads. Leave em in. No worries.
Its best if i have the axle, just in case i dont have one that fits. An axle is used in the process.