Different throw techniques

Im not sure how many people do this but when you throw a front style throw, do you put your thumb in between the yoyo as a guide to keep it straight on the way down? I figured out this helps me but im just wondering if any of you do this as well.


I had to grab my yo and throw a bit because I wasn’t sure off the top of my head. I’ve never payed attention to this lol.

I don’t. My thumb goes to the side of my yo.

I might try your method tomorrow as I’m throwing!


If you do decide to try my method, it will feel and look a little akward at first but you will get used tk it.

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i concur

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Same here. Except with 5A, 1A slimlines, and wood fixies (which tend to be slender) where I will often center the thumb in the gap.

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Have you ever heard of anyone putting their thumb in the middle on normal 1A throws?

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i personally haven’t heard of this but if i saw it i wouldn’t really think anything of it


Would you think this could get in the way of more advanced tricks later on or do you think it would be fine and wouldnt make a difference? Or as in just a bad throwing technique?

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i mean it might limit you to throwing lighter throws 'lighter" as in like you might not get as much spin time and stuff and when you start doing side style you might want to train yourself to grip the yoyo so your thumb to to the side and you can grip it with your four fingers to get more powerful throws

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Ok thanks. It is just hard for me to get a smooth throw without my thumb in the middle. Like the yoyo will usually have a slight wobble but i can smooth it out with my finger nail. Is there any technique for getting a smooth throw every time?


no clue :joy:

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Okay. I must just need to practice more.

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try putting your thumb and pinkie on either sides of the yoyo and three fingers on top for a side style throw
that’s how i do it

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I had to throw a few times but ya I do this too. Not to guide it, jus because that’s how I grip a yoyo. I throw it that way side style too


In fact watching myself I tend to hold it with only my thumb and middle finger

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Does this limit your throws at all?

Nope! Generally comes out straight and vibe free and still get good hard throws for plenty of spin. It’s just how I’ve always done it. I just tried throwing without my thumb there with the yoyo just in my palm and could not get nearly the power my normal throw has


Ok thanks. Its good to know im not alone :joy:

Haha it seems like it’s one of those preference things. I figure I’m going to do it how it’s most comfortable to me :slight_smile:


My thumb is definitely there for support but not inside the yoyo. That could make it turn while I’m throwing it.