Difference btw. the Konkave bearing and Ceramic one

Easy there pal, no need to flame anyone.

I enjoy kk, and I don’t care…

Anyway, I think this thread is about diferences between a regular and ceramic kk.

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KK is fun. flat is fun. go play yoyo.

How did you know, I did read all of his post. Lol :wink:

thank you for your very insightful post, I never realized how stupid I was, I guess all I got left is to go out and kill myself :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

my point exactly → KK help new players not those who have a perfectly straight throw and can keep their alignment without it

I love it when a simple question thread erupts into a argumental debate…anyways to anwser the question that was originally asked…

obviously the standard bearing is steel balls where as the ceramic uses…err ceramic balls :D…the ceramic is suppose to be smoother and spin longer and last longer…I’m just going off of what I’ve heard in the forums…I got a standard kk (thats right I use one flame me) and I feel that it performs just fine…I’m rather glad that I didn’t shell out the extra moolah for something that would probably only provide a negligible diffrence, but then again “I” have never used one personally so what do I truly know on the matter?

I know I shelled out the extra cash to try ceramic ones, couldn’t see a damn difference, except that my wallet was lighter

KK do differ to flats in some (good or bad, you tell me) way
but I’m pretty sure Ceramic doesn’t differ to Steel

They last longer, an effect that cannot be seen in the short term.



from jensen kimmets “yeah i quit. go play yoyo”

alright, I’ll have to come clean now.

so lately I’ve been making significant progress in my overall flow and I’ve decided to give flats another run.

you’re right, actually, I didn’t notice it at first because I was working on easy tricks with few layers of string, but now I can tell where KK can become an issue

that said, I kinda like how it feels, but performance wise, it’s a sure loss

you were right jay, I was wrong

KK can suit some styles better than others, I guess

I’m glad I learned something thanks to you !

i have tried both but the only diffrence is that the ceramic one will last longer but it doestn spin longer. i oly use kk in my yoyos, love them. also get chaos yoyo strings they are just amazing.


Are you kidding me? This thread is 4 days old.

this thread is from may, go back to the first post and read the date

We count from the latest post.

For what it’s worth I like ceramic bearings, but don’t buy them. I have found you lube them less over all. Not really at first but a few years in they really hit their groove. :slight_smile:

wow u pwned that guy.

You can’t really say that, they’re debating and explaining each others opinions, not a conflicting quarrel.

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Lol alot of talking here. I love konkave ,groove bearings they are great for techy stuff and love that the YOYO DOESN’T TILT UNLIKE OTHER BEARINGS. Lol

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