Die nasty spacers? how do you get em off?

ok so i just got a die nasty
which i love
and i wanted to clean the bearing but i have a small problem
i cant get the spacers off of the bearing
i tried some pliers but that just kinda dented some of the spacer
any suggestions?

same with the PGM
just need to spend some time


Don’t clean the bearing. It won’t be effective, because the SPEC bearings come dry from the factory. If anything, I suggest you lube the bearing a little.

its a center trac though
and its kind of noisy
plus sometiimes ive noticed that it can cure some vibe too

They probably come dry too. The noise is most likely lack of lube. Cleaning and lubing will help because it will have lube in there, and keep the bearings on trac. (Pun intended)

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lol ok thanks samad