Define a "Fun" Yo-yo

I prefer slightly heavier when I’m just having fun because it keeps me from going too fast, which is my tendency. The Edge 1.5 is nearly perfect for me for just having fun. I find it quite comfortable, too. Occasionally I find it a tad wide when I’m learning new stuff, but it’s my go to until that happens.


One that was cheap and that plays good. Nothing quite as satisfying as saving money imo

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A “fun” yo-yo is a yo-yo you have fun playing with.

I don’t think there’s any other way to define that.


I can see that. My only problem with >66-67 g throws is they tend to wear on my finger/wrist pretty quickly. It doesn’t seem like much, but those few grams make a heck of a difference to me haha. I agree on the width though.

My two favorites right now are the Aluminum Dream, and the Grasshopper GTX. They just move the way I want them to, it’s so satisfying. Dream takes the cake on comfort, though. Those steel rims on the GTX can be real knuckle busters.


I can def feel the extra stress when I throw it, so I can easily see it making a difference. It doesn’t take much especially with fingers and wrist problems. My throw hand wrist is a mess, but it’s weak in the opposite direction of the stress of a typical throw.

Knuckle busters are the worst. Occasionally I don’t feel it right away and the first thing I notice is a streak of red on my string lol.


That actually just happened to me a couple weeks ago. I was trying a new bind and it came back full speed directly into my non throw hand index finger. It stung like crazy, but I didn’t think anything of it until I saw blood on the string!


a yoyo that has an amazing response and comfortable to catch.


For me it’ll be a hard H shape, super light like <55g and undersized as in diameter <50mm and width <40mm, thou not micro sized


All yoyo’s are fun. Apart from the Revolution Rev-G.

Fun. Nothing else needs to be said about it.


I consider my most fun yoyos to be my Ti-Vayder and my Honey Badger. I really like the size, weight, and feel of both of them. I’ve never played a yoyo that wasn’t fun though. Even the Duncan Butterfly is a blast.


Whether competition or organic, every type of yoyo can be ‘fun’. Though for me what defines a fun yoyo also comes down to another category: predictability on the return. Nothing is worse than shredding a nice combo, but then having some mediocre response and the yoyo either fails to grab when you thought it should, or grabs too tightly in a way that you didn’t expect. Fortunately most modern yoyos can be tuned in a way to circumvent this issue, though I do have it with fixed axle yoyos sometimes.


like the DoorKnob
a good hefty weight
a nice smooth finish
stainless steel


Generally, the community calls organic or non competition oriented yoyos fun, but I have fun with all my yoyos. All yoyos are fun. That’s the point.


For many years I would use the word “yoyo” instead of the word “fun” because I thought they were synonyms. I received many an odd stare.:eyes:


I mentioned above that anything that suits my preferences is fun for me. If I’m not thinking about any aspect of the yo-yo while throwing it I can just focus on doing tricks. But if I’m like oh this yo-yo is a little heavy or moves more slowly than I like or anything like that it distracts me from the actual act. I don’t find that as fun.

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