Declining popularity of this hobby?

Cake is Fine— I prefer those little Pocket Pies that WinCo has every now and then.


Okay sure you can but a normal person would just find tabs. But you also wouldnt see a player who just got out of basics doing that (like we do to yoyoers)

Toxic take imo, just telling people to get good is only counter productive and drives people away from yoyoing. Literally just gatekeeping yoyoing from new players

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Idk what you’re talking about by you can find millions of tricks online by the name. Majority dont even have names, and you cant even look it up if you wanted to because they don’t say the name of the trick. I mean if you dont even know what you’re doing wrong and think you’re just landing it wrong or so, you’d never know and keep wasting hours for nothing until u ask for help or give up.

We will deny it ‘til we die, however. A yo-yo is a toy, It’s a waste of time no matter how you throw it.

Set your opinions aside, and please have fun.


I love u Alberto but I just can’t agree, just because we learnt that way doesn’t mean the future generation has to, why cycle when you have a plane? Of course it’s good to be creative but the more tools you have available the easier it is to actually innovate. The places with the most prodigious players have frequent meeting people learn tricks better when there’s active feedback and more information on how to do a trick.
I became a much player as a result of meeting up with people, being inspired by others and learning from the group.
So why should tutorials be so bland and lacklustre if it can help with learning, added information can push yo-yoing so far ahead.
Developing intermediate yoyoers will mean more fun more new players and most importantly more creative yoyoers

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this discussion feels way more heated than it should be for a discussion about tutorials, lol. if you think there’s something universally missing in yoyo tutorials, then if you provide your “ideal” tutorials, they should get the attention they deserve. the content should speak for itself.

idk, speaking as a beginner-intermediate who started in 2008 and again now-ish, tutorials seem way more plentiful than before. i wanted to learn rancid milk recently and there were at least three different tutorials i could reference, and within a week i got to a point where it’s pretty smooth now.

people hate to hear it but sometimes it really just is a skill issue. but if we’re being pedantic it’s more complicated than that. sometimes the person is interested in the hobby but doesn’t have enough time to invest into it. sometimes they lack the attention span or have other stresses in life that are impeding them. this is coming from a biggggg hobby guy. it’s great when hobbies are accommodating and super inclusive and have a low barrier to entry, but also the person interested in the hobby should be self-motivated to learn. idk, in my opinion, what’s the point of getting into a hobby if everything gets handed to me? it’s not so much as being gatekeep-y as it is this sense of modern media incentivizing instant gratification.

anyway, i think yoyoing has gotten some nice popularity pushes in media lately. i love braindead as a brand and as a community because the people behind it are so keen on pushing smaller niche interests like magic the gathering, bouldering, tennis, and yo-yoing (admittedly some of these are not so “small” or “niche”)


(post deleted by author)

there 10+ year of world champion level players that learned from the same tutorial many of you complain of. most of your favorite player learn from the same tutorial that you have these problems with

if hundreds+ of player can become high level from the foundation of expert village tutorial and you cannot, perhaps you doing something very very wrong,

Master level like Sterling Quinn, Yuuki Spencer, and Charles Haycock come from era where tutorial were typed out in raw text with diagram like a book. no video until much later


thousands (25 year worth of player) have entered and excel in this hobby with 30% of what noob have access to today

maybe this problem is from you and not quality or quantity of the tutorial

thank you for reading

(sorry mean for my last post to reply to whole thread, not one single person this was an accident.)


also no surprise this hobby will get less and less noob
every hobby have this issue. skateboard has evaporated along with most other activity

attention span have been nuked. 15y ago when you are bored you have to do something or learn skill to keep one occupied. now they scroll social media instead, and have no skill or hobby

no wonder they cannot follow basic tutorial. they are bad at learning things because they never develop the “learning skill”. most older master in yoyo are good at many other things and have other multidisciplinary elite level hobby because they learn self guided so young and this ability to learn does transfer to some other hobby. if you are expert at guitar ,you will be easy to get expert with the yoyo.

nothing of this is yoyo specific. all hobby are rapidly shrinking. so many art store, guitar store, skateboard store ,all shut down and can only exist as online store now.

thank you for reading


So the main points i got from your statement is that people have no attention span now and are lazy, therefore cant deal with the tutorials that the pros used. Thing is thats just wrong, skateboarding exploded a few years ago. And if you look where the pros are, they’re always relatively close to each other with local yoyo clubs and such. Its not just me who thinks this, i know of a pro who agrees the tuts suck. Idk just feels like youre trying to stroke your ego that you’re better than these kids nowadays who cant follow tutorials.


Out of curiosity, which pro?

I dont want to call him out cuz he mentioned that he made an alt account to call them out on not being great, he doesn’t want to ruin his appearance and such.

a “pro” that complain about their difficulty learning from tutorial made for noob. i would be hiding too!! ^-^


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This topic has caused a decline in the popularity of this hobby for me. Thank you all!


We all learn in different ways so there is no way a single tutorial will be able to cover everyones needs. The only way a tutorial sucks is if it is outright teaching the wrong things.

Creating more tutorials is great as sharing what we learn is a huge part of the hobby. But it shouldn’t come from a place of everything else is rubbish, its just an offering of an alternative perspective.


I’m not telling people to just “get good”, I’m helpful when asked. Just look at my history. But if you want to do hard things you have to put the time and effort in.Which is literally the definition of getting good.

Like others have already said, there’s plenty of tutorials out there of different types. Personally, I’m in the camp that just needs a different angles to figure something out. Small nuances are usually never conveyed in a tutorial. It’s usually something that you have to figure out on your own through trial and error. No tutorial can cover every problem that someone’s going to encounter. And no tutorial is going to take away the work and time that it takes to truly learn a trick.

That being said, I think it’s nice that we have these communities where you can come out and ask for help and usually find it.


Mate what I am saying is that online is already literally full of good quality tutorials, are we joking? The basics are super covered.

If someone wants to learn the basics, y.oyotricks tutorials are modern recorded and very clear in every passage. What do we have to ask more?

Also, we all talk but we are all waiting to someone else to do “better tutorials” instead of start record them in “a better way”.

Record tutorials is such a painful job (tried couple of times) and requires not only time to film bit by bit but also to edit it properly and clearly, is not easy and also is a job which no one get paid to do.
If people have much to complain can start a new series of tutorials and see what comes out.

About meetings and similar can’t agree more with you man

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Question, how would a detailed tutorial make it so that it “removes the the work and time to learn tricks”. What do you think of yoyo rewind tricks? Imo they’re the gold standard