Declining popularity of this hobby?

I don’t think it’s a decline in popularity but more like a rediscovery in the art of yo-yoing from various points from liking and designing yo-yos to performing that grows people’s interests.



good points! i agree totally and i would certainly never knock anyone’s tutorial or suggest that there are objective better or worse ways to present info. I’ve personally seen tutorials whose explainations felt more advanced than the trick level but that could also have just been meand the way i approach learning. i think you hit on the main takeaway in that everyone learns differently and at different rates, and different elements will give some trouble while others pick it up more naturally. we all have different stumbling points. i personally tend to watch several tutorials on the same trick and no one person/group has done every single trick tutorial exactly the way i needed it. I’m definitely thankful for all of the different perspectives. that’s one thing I’ve come to love about the hobby is how open it is. ppl don’t guard their tricks and innovations. instead they YEARN to share them, and i think that’s wonderful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ngl hard disagree, i personally dont have an issue calling out people’s tutorials as they caused me lit hundreds of hours of fustration. I also think saying theyre just tutorials for differrnt levels is just a cop out to put less effort in explaining it or not at all. Its why being an intermediate player is so difficult, no ones explaining stuff and just expect you to learn somewhere else. And ik most people wont agree with my take but thats cuz people who use forums like this are seriously hardcore, majority of people dont and their fustrations arent heard because they’ve quit

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That being said im not saying id be rude to them, after all i appreciate them recording it at all. But id give a lot of feedback to people and their tutorials, they say thanks for the feedback and then their tuts improve quality drastically. Idk why people have a problem with me when i say tutorials in general have a large room for improvement.

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Most intermediate players don’t need extended explanations and hand holding. You’re assuming that what you want is what everyone else wants and that’s just not true.

My problem with your crusade against tutorials is that you’re rude about it. You were rude about it on the yye discord server and made a reddit post about how people that don’t agree with you are gatekeeping.

There are enough content creators making tutorials now that you can just watch the ones that help you the most, the ones that cater to your expectations and are best for your learning style. Yoyojoe1 is great at explaining lots of the little details. There is no need to disparage people like summoning for simply showing the trick pov and in slow mo. That is good enough for lots of people to learn the trick.

Not all tutorials need to be for all players and that’s okay. It’s a lot of extra work to expect someone to put in, especially when all the work is unnecessary for many people.

I think it’s great that you’re making tutorials in the style you want to see. I wish you the best of luck. I just really don’t understand why you have such a vendetta against other content creators for making tutorials in the style they think is best.

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If by rude you mean fustrated cuz i couldnt understand a part of a tutorial cuz i keep missing nuances and its too fast. Like literally only shows what to do for literally 3 seconds, then everyone blamed it was my fault cuz i was bad (like who are TUTORIALS for then?) then sure, but i have never told the people off making these tuts. Ive only have had good interactions when i give feedback.

And i disagree its just a skill issue that passes once youre intermediate, ive gotten fairly decent now and its still a nightmare. I think its easy for people with several years of experiance to forget what its like getting past the yo tricks phase for a hot while.

I literally just want better for the community, i feel like theres many people who quit because the moment they express fustration they just get labled as bad. i want to raise the standard of what makes a good yoyo tutorial

Ngl i find it just to be a matter of copying what the person is doing. I don’t feel that handholding is really needed unless they miss something vital like a POV shot or something key like that.

Patience and focus are really all that you need to learn from most tuts but if someone isn’t going to put in the effort of slowing the vid down themself or watch the video multiple times that says less about the tutorial and more about the player

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I find it pretty easy to focus my eyes on one area and not see at all where they made a slight with their thumb or something. Im saying that as someone who downloads the tuts and go frame by frame, and wasting hours praticing it :melting_face:

I’m at the point where I almost exclusively watch tutorials that show the trick in slo mo with pov. The longer tutorials over explain the parts that come naturally to me and it makes it more frustrating to find the part that I actually want to learn because there is so much of the actual teaching part. I prefer to teach myself and I do fall into the pitfalls where you spend like 20-30 mintues failing bc you missed twisting your thumb in instead of out. But I’m okay with that. Its part of the process because most of the pitfalls are habits from other tricks. I usually move on to another trick for a bit and come back to both the next day. Its all a process and sometimes the trick learning process is a bit of type 2 fun.


Real talk, i hate the tutorials that are yapping while they try explaining it with minimum editing. Concise tuts are where its at

I highly doubt anyone’s actually quit from there being a lack of quality in tutorials.
This is a very big assumption with no basis. Frustrations happen but there are always answers.
I’m an avid tutorial creator and anytime someone’s had a point of confusion, I’ve been happy to explain it if needed. In general, showing the trick segments with basic text tends to be enough, and I’ve never had anyone take issue with any of my tutorial series.

People might quit yoyoing for other personal reasons or lose interest, but nobody out there is quitting cause some tutorials don’t show a trick well enough.


My friend quit from how bad tutorials are. The day my first tutorial dropped someone messaged me saying they were about to quit yoyoing but tutorials like mine made them want to continue. I talked with many people who share my sentiment. I didnt make these claims under no basis, but from personal experiance

Yes I guess frustrated might be more accurate. You were swearing and complaining about how bad the tutorials were. F this F that etc.

I’ve been playing for a few months more than you and think it’s unfair to say that if people disagree with you, it must be that they have forgotten what it’s like to be a new player.

Instead of complaining about the quality of tutorials, you could instead ask for help. There’s plenty of people that ask for help when they get stuck. IME the community is happy to help when they can and don’t blame the person asking for help or write it off as them simply being “bad”. Lots of tricks are just hard and confusing. I had to ask for help a ton of times and people did help and were cool about it.

I do think it’s good you want to make more tutorials. I just appreciate the simple tutorials out there and think you’re wrong to hate on them so much.

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Bro you literally just discredited my experiance, people did just call me bad for not understanding a part of a trick, you can literally see it in the discord server. And a lot of people are like just get good then go back to it. Dont get me wrong tho yeah theres a lot of people who help each other out, but i do not want to pester people every single day because tutorials fail to do their job. Imo the simple “tutorials” that just play the trick slightly slower should just be called close ups. You wouldn’t say a videos of someone playing guitar a tutorial because they slowed it down slightly

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The more I yoyo the more I realize that if I don’t understand something or can’t land it that it boils down to a skill issue; one that is only resolved through hours of practice. I literally have to “get good”. Sometimes I feel like telling others that too and it might be good for them to hear that.

Somethings come easy and others do not. If someone is quitting because of tutorial quality, then I would say that this may not be the hobby for them because the only way to do what they see others doing is to put the same time and effort into it.


I don’t get the point of those arguments, if on youtube you look for a specific trick, it comes out million of videos about that trick, the rest is practice.

Also more or less every single yoyoer on the planet learnt the basics in this way, if everyone did before then it probably means also other new players can.
Frustration can come for lack of skills or because you are just approaching the combo, hardly from watching a tutorial (also because you can watch 2/3 different videos to get the same trick).

It doesn’t need always to be “everything ready” all the time, bit of creativy and initiative is probably needed when you approach an hobby.

Sometimes people also try to bite more cake than they can, if you just learnt how to bind (for example) you can not jump on a big combo after as you miss so many useful elements to arrive at that combo, as said before combos are just a big amount of simple elements, if you know the elements than pretty much you know the combos.

Also as we are in 2024 is possible to download the videos and slow them down a lot, this is how I learn elements I like


(post deleted by author)

Actually it can be, even at normal speed.

If you know how to read music, how to do the chords and where they positioned and you know scales a video can be a tutorial, so again if you know the basics.

When I was learning Capricho Arabe, for a more economic and functioning fingering I watched the videos from the masters to see how they changed the finger position compared to the original in the score, so what I did was to learn the piece from the original score with the original fingerings, then watched the videos and stole what I think it can work for my hand shapes.

Again is about creativity and adapt what you have to your needs


Confirmed :+1: