Yoyo Popularity Poll

Curious to know if y’all think yoyoing is on the way up(more players playing Yoyo), the same as it has been, or on the way down. I’m biased because I’m new-ish still and I’m wondering what everyone thinks. Probably doubt there are any sales numbers public anywhere but that would be interesting…

Edit: Made the question a poll

  • On the way up
  • The same
  • On the way down

0 voters


I think there was definitely a high during the pandemic. But maybe more of a collectors high then a player high but maybe that is also just my perspective. People where not so much hanging outside or in clubs throwing.


The pandemic crushed a lot of clubs for more niche hobbies. Our local TCG and tabletop game house went out of business here in Rapid City. Nowhere to go but up.
-“When nothing remains, anything is possible.”


Sorry to hear they went out, may it come back :slight_smile:


Same here. There was a yoyo club here in Pittsburgh but I hear covid ended it.

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I’d have to imagine it’s at least gone up a little within the last 3 years or so due to the pandemic and social media in general. I understand the in-person stuff kinda fell off because of that but with Tik Tok and Instagram etc nowadays, yo-yoing can really reach new audiences and people that weren’t even looking for it in the first place. In fact if I didn’t happen to stumble across an Angel2up Tik Tok last summer I probably woulda never got back into this again.

I bet there’s a whole wave of young players that come up because they saw Godspeed or dna on TikTok and stuck with it


In our small community I’ve seen a handful of young kids throwing responsive, just in the last month. They are sponges for any tips, it’s really awesome to see them outside doing something besides staring at their phone. :hugs:


For sure, back when I first started in 2009ish you had YouTube and Andre’s tuts and that was about it. And even then throwers on YouTube were pretty scarce, the video quality obviously wasn’t what it was today etc etc. Lot easier to access and kinda jump in today


This too. Nice to see the young bloods out and about doing something with their hands other than typing out a text

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I decided to come here instead of Reddit because It seemed like more for the hardcores and the Reddit is half beginners asking questions. I wonder If anyone that follows that has noticed that going up I just checked and it seems like there’s a ton of new players there asking questions.


Reddit seemed extremely snobby and just bleh to me, who has what throw, my collection is better than yours, how much did you spend on it, all that. Here it’s way more chill, we all just kinda do our own thing, throw what we like and talk about it lol.

Discord** I’m thinking of Discord. Reddit was definitely more newbies asking the basics


Definitely going up! As much as people dog on TikTok, it genuinely is bolstering the Yoyo community. The pandemic kinda nuked a lot of the community, what with contests and clubs being shut down, so in a lot of ways our numbers are down rn, but as far as I’m concerned, I think it’s almost guaranteed there’s gonna be an influx of new people in yoyo


Another thing I wanna add that I think might make a difference too nowadays is the access to good beginner/first yo-yos. I think it’s so important starting out to have a good yoyo because I think we all know how frustrating it can be at first, especially if that first yoyo kinda blows. It doesn’t help at all and usually causes the person to give up on it.

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I believe it has expanded in many ways, and contracted in others.
In person meetings and clubs on the down…
but I have seen the 1st yo-yo Face-Meta group in OKC looking to start meeting possibly! So meetings may be popping up in places where yo-yo is new to some people like here In OKC, where throwing is seen by some as dark magic emanating from an amulet of the underworld so there is that.

New throws, small runs of personal projects, big companies trying new ideas developed during the pandemic down time getting ready for drops, many people down sizing collections, trading and selling is creating new turn over and many discovering throws they passed on and letting go of good reliables to newer players. I am personally doing a bit of all of this.

So if you are stagnant or looking for new exciting things in yo… wait…. that word we all do it waiting for it to drop, to arrive, to be picked up,
to be re-releases, re-designed… wait just a bit longer. Something will excite you.
And while you wait lean a new trick or work on your white whale trick we all have one.

Everyone have a great rest of the week the weekend is fast approaching.

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I’m a newer player. Spent a summer throwing 15 years ago but picked it back up a couple of months ago. My nephew is 5. He seen me throwing and asked what that thing is because he saw one on Tik tok.


i think its the same percentage of the population throwing, just the population keeps getting bigger.

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You can go to Google Trends and observe the evolution of the number of people searching for the word “yoyo” in google. This is a good indication of yoyo popularity. There is a small increase in 2022 and 2023, but nothing very significant.