um… except for everyone in the utah yoyo club on facebook. Tony North from monkeyfinger is in utah and so is spencer from square wheels. I know that both of them play kendama… it looks like you’re in st george… which pretty much means no one that yoyos that’s in utah lives close
also dama fest sounds like it was awesome, would have been fun to go to
Really wish I could have gone, it looks like it was a blast. I figured I was too new to the hobby though to merit a plane ticket to go there, seeing as how I’ve had a kendama for all of 2 weeks or so. I foresee kendama being at Worlds this year though, given it’s spike in popularity amongst yoyoers. That’s something I won’t wanna miss.
well there aren’t contests because most of people stopped even trying to go to the meets. Whenever I’m in utah I get together with everyone and throw. on a related note I found someone who plays kendama in one of my classes today. fancy that.
For me as a kendama player that just started to trow some yoyo, this dama fest was the best kendama event i ever have been so far (coming all the way from the Netherlands)
(going to events since 2011 and play kendama for 4 years now, been to Japan, USA and several places in Europe (Germany/Poland/UK 2x/Denmark/france and soon to the EJC 2013 in France Toulouse)
it was so nice to meet Andre and Ann on the Dama fest, i was really stunned by there skills.
they made me want to trow some more.
i really hope that futured meetings will be mixed with Kendama and Yoyo players again,
for me Yoyo is something i really like to learn and put time in when i’m getting stuck with learning new kendama tricks, sometime i only can practice consistancy en once in a while i event new tricks or combo’s.
yoyo for me is like nailing tricks again with no limits in for the next few years.
I hope that i meet some Yoyo players at the EJC in France toulouse from 27th july till 3rd of august.
to learn , chill and teach eachother tricks on both toys.