I am looking for people around CT who are into yoyo/kendama. It is very hard to find people interested. Any yoyo clubs around CT, Mass, or RI?
there is Dogbite yoyo club in Easthampton,MA and the New York YoYo Club in NYC. A2Z Science and Learning Store in Northhampton, MA holds a yoyo school on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I believe they will be starting sessions again on 1/5/2016. Northhampton/Easthampton is worth the drive as the yoyo community is very alive and active there. Many talented throwers who are welcoming and happy to share their skills.
I’m in central CT, my 11 year old son and I both yoyo. We have met a couple of people from the Waterbury area as well as southeastern part of the state. We haven’t made the effort to try to build a CT community yet, mainly due to lack of ideas for where it could meet.
Farmington, CT here. PM me if you’d like to meet up or something haha
New London
Wow! I am surprised even three people responded this gives me hope. I was trying to start some sort of twice a month yoyo and kendama jam going on. Local people just doing what they enjoy doing, sharing trick ideas, maybe even bringing a friend or two with an open mind and build a small community. I have been playing kendama for several years and it got me into yoyo which I have now been into for two years, past year taking it more serious. The best way I can put it into words on a forum would be that the two have taken me to places I would never be without them. Mentally and physically. I recently took a 4 month road trip across the US with a close friend of mine. It was amazing to see all the small yoyo/kendama communities around the US. Places I never expected starting in Denver/Boulder…going up to montana>Oregon>cali. In San Francisco I had a chance to attend a kendama jam at SanFranPsycho which was truly amazing and inspiring for high hopes of what could happen around here. Coming back to CT I would really like to get some people together to jam.
I am trying to figure out a place that could work out.
I am from CT
I’m in Mystic.
Just saw @davestyle from New London.
and @yoyospirit from Farmington!
(granted that was almost a decade ago… )
I read this as “anyone from Center Trac or near Center Trac on here?”
I’m in Simsbury! My 13-year-old also yo-yos.
Yes I thought this was about center track bearings
We need to schedule some kind of CT meetup!
I’m up for a CT yo-yo meetup!
I’m in ct! would be fully down to meet!
What would be a fairly central place for a meetup?