What do you guys think about the d10? I haven’t heard anything about it, but I recently obtained one and it is great! It has been my favorite yoyo factory budget throw so far
We’ll mine was my first metal throw, I’ve only been yoyoing for about 3 months. I like it a lot so far, anytime I’ve had issues with stability it’s been because of my own shortcomings. I can do finger spins on it fine and when thrown properly it has no vibes that I can detect. Just learned GT stall and cowabunga and it performs well for me. I do want to try others, of course, but I couldn’t be happier with a blind purchase out of the mystery box such as this. Plus, I got the sweet aqua color which is my favorite that I’ve seen so far.
I love it! It’s super good for Horizontal play
I’ll probably do a review on the D10 really soon, but so far, I have very little opinion on it. I throw it and not much seems to stand out about it for me. It may just take a little bit more throwing.
Glad you like it
I told myself that I had to edc something other than the d10, because that’s all I was ever using once I got it