Current top 5

Creep, Mowl Q, Shortcut, Contact, another Creep :slight_smile:


For what it’s worth, I traded my first Panorama away just a few days after receiving it in the mail. I picked up another when I found an SM for sale, put some time in, and now it’s a constant in my rotation. I think it does a beautiful job of walking the line between laid back and frustrating, so it can be a bit of an acquired taste if you don’t already have a thing for high walls and flat bearings.

Edit: flat caps were also a game changer for me. I know they’re only .8g heavier than ULs, but they improved the feel pretty drastically in my case.


Flat caps definitely made a difference for me too. I thought the UL’s made it feel a little too out of control and lose spin more easily. I liked how light it felt, but the flat caps hit a real sweet spot and it feels more stable now.

I have really really really been enjoying the Panorama since I got it. Also, I was playing with the Pdx Phidias a lot for Slimtember, so I was already used to throwing something slim when the Pano arrived. The timing was pretty perfect.

Sorry for the lengthy reply, I’m very passionate about these little spinny things.


So it is good; because it is not a good performing yo-yo? Not understanding how anything that is described that way is a “top 5” candidate.


Why would anyone own something other than a single $200 competition bimetal then? I own three guitars, I play the cheapest and worst playing one the most.


I have black flat caps. I will try them tonight. I agree, it does feel a little out of control at times but I always think it’s my throwing. The Panorama as it is brings me a lot of the same frustration as Deep State which I sold and Deeper State which I might sell. Of all the yoyos I own I keep going back to the handful that bring me the most happiness and always meet me halfway when my throws are not perfect or I’m just distracted by Life.


“Frustrating” may not have given the right impression - I think I meant something closer to “requires focus”. The Panorama is not a performance yoyo relative to a competition shape, but it has a great hand and string feel, and it’s very satisfying to land tricks cleanly. I like yoyos that demand some concentration, because it helps me get into the meditative state that I’m usually seeking when I’m throwing.


If you want, you can also add some rubber weight rings. I added 4 to bring the weight up to ~70 grams and it felt like a rock but would never stop spinning or tilt.


I’ve been trying to figure out how to describe the “indescribable” thing that makes it so special and I think it comes down to control. The increased sensitivity can make it feel difficult to control, but when you can control it, it reacts precisely how you want it to. Just look at @sakatuca ‘s repeaters to see what I mean.


Off the top, this week: Luftverk Acadia, G2 Ti Triton, F&FB Inception, Gates SE 10, Yoyofactory (?) Macaron.


Freyja, Glacier Express, Shaqshine, Bonfire, Freehand One AL (large bearing)

Freyja and Glacier Express are the only yoyos I have duplicates of, with the intention that I can lose one/break one/whatever and still have a backup ready to rock. I just like how they feel to play, heavy and solid. Killer visual designs too for when you’re not playing. I like them in and out of play more than anything else.

I’ve finally accepted that I like the Bonfire more than the Chief, and you’re more than welcome to tell me that my opinion is flat out wrong lol.

Freehand One AL is just “yoyo.” When I think of what the base form of a yoyo is, it’s the Freehand One. Other yoyo designs will come and go with time, this absolutely classic flat-faced butterfly shape is timeless.

Shaqshine is just good yoyo, there’s only a handful of bimetals that I think compare favorably to it, and this one is just what I reach for the most.


That F Zero cartridge just gave me a healthy dose of nostalgia… “You’re way out in front!!!” dramatic hair metal


MCMO, RBC, Akita, Mowl Q, Daredevil currently. I have a Weekender and Little confusion on the way for some more responsive fun.


This is a hard one but here they are:

Free Solo
Deeper State


  • Haymaker X
  • Recognition
  • Vtwo
  • Ti Hawk
  • Honey Badger

The title of the thread is “CurrentTop 5”. Not “current list of yo-yo’s that I play for various reasons”. I am thinking about this from the perspective of a 13 year old kid who has been saving his money to buy a new yo-yo. Is this yo-yo one that you would recommend? Is it “Current top 5”?

If you want to qualify your choices; fine. Just do that in a way that makes it clear why you choose a yo-yo beyond the expected performance criteria. Something like “I find the challenge of this throw to be addictive”; would be more clear.


Maybe we should rename it “Current top 5, qualified for 13 year olds saving their money to buy new yoyos” so the prompt is more clear.

Seriously, though - most of us just post here with little to no rationale for why we like these. I don’t put much thought into photo thread posts because I don’t think it’s necessary. People can ask questions if they want, like you did.


I see this as thread as “current top 5”.
The title is ambiguous so the poster can interpret it as they may. That can mean top 5 - most fun, best performing, best looking, challenging, smooth or whatever adjective that person looks for while enjoying throwing…


You guys are so right. Go on recommending crummy $29 throws selling for $100. Nothing but a service to the community and those producing poorly performing over-priced yo-yo’s.


Woah, kinda surprised to see no Alliance in here. What happened?