Cubing Corner

  1. Haven’t done much cubing lately, i gotta get back into it.

1:53 single 2:31 ao5
I’m surprised I’m getting faster so quickly but I am sure I will hit a ceiling pretty soon.

there’s plenty of room for improvement and plenty of techniques to get you faster.

I just got a sub 10 ao5 with no solves under 70 moves… I guess I know my weakness :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s ur weakness then? Minimal move solves?

Movecount. My TPS makes up for it. I would not be sub 15 if I could get 7TPS haha

I probably got you on move count lol but I can’t go faster than what I can look ahead. My style right now is mostly slow turning and I get around 12-16 sec now. How do I get my eyes and brain to catch up with my fingers?

Is it normal for PBL ortega to take 2 steps sometimes? Like when the tops and bottoms don’t align, I usually do an alg that aligns them, then I do R2 F2 R2 or something like that, depending the case.

I am finally getting my 2x2 this week.

No. PBL is meant to be 1 alg to finish the cube after OLL. You should try and make the first face with the bar (if you have a bar) in the back on bottom, since it’s what most algs require. I’ll make some 2x2 example solves using Ortega if you’d like, I’m heavily experienced with the method.

Double posting because oops

I’m go a go out on a limb and tell you to try and turn faster. I am a strong believer that lookahead comes with time. This mindset got me sub 12 in one year of Cubing, which I feel shows that it actually does work. So try it. Spam turning. Your brain will catch up. Recognition will get faster.

I’ll try it for a few weeks and let you know how it went.

Did a solve at my mates house yesterday on his cube (classic stiff, un-lubed nightmare) to broad acclaim. Probably took me about 45 seconds or so.

Reading all you guys has made me want to go faster though, I’ve been inspired. I’d love a consistent sub-20, so I’m gonna pick up my Zhanchi when I get home and get practicing.

My biggest issues:

  1. Reading ahead, especially during f2l
  2. Memorising all the OLL and PLL algorithms

If I memorise all the OLL and PLL I reckon I can get to a consistent 30-35 seconds or so, but knocking 10-15 seconds off that is going to be a nightmare.

so many algorithms…

Start with two look OLL. I’m around 15 sec average with two look

That’s exactly where I am. Sometimes I get 35, but mainly 45 :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that would be great!

Ok so I dusted off the Zhanchi and did a bunch of solves. Turns out I have a 45.00 or so average, which is slower than I thought. I put this down to a bunch of things, but mostly inefficient F2L algorithms.

I spend too much time rotating the cube in positions where I can give it a bit of r/u/r’/u’ action. My left hand does very very little and time is wasted rotating the cube. I think I need to go back to the drawing board on the F2L and stick to the algorithms rather than doing it intuitively.

At this rate even if I dial the 2 look OLL and a proper PLL then I’ll still have trouble breaking a 35 second time. sigh

i just have my cube with me everywhere and do f2l OVER and OVER and OVER…

Instead of doing a cube rotation do Dw.

(rotate the middle and the bottom so that you can get to the other sides without a rotation)

Bad idea. Dw is often slower. It’s better to use rotation less inserts if you must, but rotating is not bad. I do rotation less inserts of pairs only to force a better case for the next pair.