Are you allowed to compete at the World Yoyo Contest if you are not from a country the IYYF is in communication with?
On Wikipedia there are noted almost 50 countries that the IYYF is in contact with. 33 of them have a national contest recognized by the IYYF and the rest don’t. But my country isn’t on that list at all.
I believe, if your country doesn’t have a sanctioned national contest then you would just go through all of the wild card freestyles. This also applies if you weren’t seated to one of the later preliminary freestyle rounds.
They track that for seeding rules. If you have a new/small nationals in your country and expect to be seeded in day 3 semi final round when you get there only for registration to say you have to enter the wild card round day 1 that definitely affects some peoples decisions to go…
Anyone can show up and enter. If say the plan is going to Prague this year and your country and Czech Republic don’t have a great relationship and need an invite you can email them and they will send you an invite letter to help you with your visa process, there is a pride at worlds to get as many new countries to represent at worlds where they can.