Could you take my Yo-Yo Survey?

Hey guys,

I’m working on an article about why yo-yoers yo-yo. It’s mostly for my own amusement but I thought some others might be interested in seeing what I find out as well. Everyone has different reasons and different influences that cause them to be interested in our hobby, I’m just trying to see if there is a common trend somewhere. If you’d be willing to take my survey it’d really help me speed up the process of researching and may help me pick out a few key people to interview about the subject. :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!

The survey is here:


I went ahead and filled it out for ya! :wink:

Thank you Preinfalk!

Gotcha buddy :slight_smile:

I filled it out

Glad to participate :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone! I really appreciate you all taking the time to help me with this project! :slight_smile:

Filled it out for ya. :wink:

already done my part.
good luck on the survey.

That was fulfilling. Let us know how the project goes!

I filled it out. The questions were fun to answer.

loved the survey

I bent the rules on the last question. Hope it helps you out Mikey.