Could the yyf pocket change cost less?

I got my yyf pocket change about a week ago, and it is great, but I was thinking could it cost less?At 13 dollars this is hard pressed, but what if Yoyoexpert sold it with a standard 5 dollar bearing instead of a 10 dollar center track bearing,please tell me if I am right.


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For one, they don’t pay much more for a different bearing. And I wouldn’t want a sub-par bearing just for a one or two dollar discount. It definitely doesn’t cost them ten dollars to put a ten dollar bearing in there.

Sub-par bearing?
Bite your tongue boy, it’s spittin’ falses.

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Those bearing cost probably exactly the same as the flat ones. To yoyofactory.

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Well then, why doesn’t yyf partner up with one drop and get the 10 ball bearing put in the pocket change for 1 or 2 dollars more (about 16 dollars, still a decent price). Yoyofoot you said that you wouldn’t pay 1 or 2 dollars less for a sub-par bearing, would you pay 1 or 2 dollars more for a better bearing?

to be honest… $13 is really not much compared to most yoyos that are used today. Heck even a legacy is $22.50… I think that $13 is fine. In fact, that’s kind of a deal, because it works as a decent 1a yoyo.

A bearing is a bearing.

Can’t argue with that logic

No you really can’t.
No bearing is going make a yoyo better. Putting in different bearings will do nothing for the quality of an already fine yoyo.

Well you people probably know more about yoyos than me ( I mean really, my best trick is plastic whip :cry: ) but is this idea really as bad as it seems?

Its not a bad idea, it’s just that the concept is flawed.
Flat bearings are sufficient, and the fact that the Pocket Change ships with a CT is insane. Especially for the price.

I think this is one of those cases of something that sounded great as a thought, but once it became verbal it fell apart. I dont think anyone here is telling you you had a dumb idea, just that it is impractical simply because many of the more serious players of modern yoyoing will spend $60-$175+ on a yoyo. These same players will spend $10-$30+ for a bearing, so considering the low price-point of the Pocket Change makes it a harmless accessory as far as a price category goes, and that is simply fine with MANY of us, especially considering the “specialty” bearings give very limited changes in playability. Good thought, just not practical.

The pocket change is fine as it is. It has a decent bearing, and I wasn’t saying that a center track was better than a flat bearing in case anyone thought that. It’s just that you wouldn’t really want to buy a yoyo for a dollar less if it came with a low quality bearing, that easily rusts and is hard to maintain, compared to something like a ten ball.

I doubt YYF and One Drop will ever make a colaboration.

And not that the idea is bad, but a product isn’t always meant to be the cheapest deal for the customer. a)profits {obvious one there} and b)the look

If the pocket change was too cheap, people would disregard it. They would assume that its not “good enough” for the trick they want to do, or that because of the price the quality must be low (see Aoda.)

Onedrop doesn’t make their 10balls, they just sell them/put them in their yoyos.

They buy bearings from a supplier.