Could everyone start posting grind times with your yoyos?
Depends on how hard you throw it and what type of yoyo.
Protostar. 1 second or maybe 0, lol it can’t grind.
I can’t grind.
Satisfied now?
6 seconds finger grind with galaxy blasted super wide. Looove that finish
Like sleep time, I’m going to say this is more a function of the yoyoer than the yoyo.
i have gotten 9 seconds with a Gen-yo hatrick my finger was burning very badly after though, haha.
4 second finger grind with grind machine
The grind machine sucks for grinding lol…
it burns to grind with that thing.
My roommate had an evil-yo and that thing would grind forever. No joke it blew my mind every time.
3yo3 Grind King - Landon Balk made this video of an 8 second finger grind:
My GK has a bit of a vibe, I can’t break 4 seconds with it usually. Maybe I’ll change the bearing and see if I can get a better spin. My best grinding throw is my viszilla, I just got a little over 6 with it.
7 to 8 seconds with mech of spyder …I could get longer if I threw on some slightly longer string.
Stupid auto Correct on my phone. I meant meh og spyder.
My Grind Machine can grind for about 3-4 seconds. It does suck at grinding, but it is better than most plastics are at grinding.
I can consistently get 7 with my Evil Yo.
I can get 7-8 seconds with my echo
And I thought 4 seconds is really long for grinds #sigh…
I can get 4 with my Code 2.
0.01 with my duncan butterfly