Cotton string

Are there any boutique string makers out there making cotton string? I haven’t seen any. I use YYE cotton 10 but some variety would be cool, maybe something with a little tighter wind. Seems like it might do well with the amount of people who throw fixed now.

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IDK how many cotton twisters there are out there, but if you’re industrious, you can make your own. French sent me a couple of his “Type 12” and it was awesome!

I was going to say something about French as well :wink: I have heard good things about his strings, never have tried them however. I don’t know if he sells them?

you could always ask him :wink:

@Rosenberg I’m liking the YYE type-10 just fine, myself. Seems to work great for every pony in my stable =D

Thanks for the kind words Myk_Myk. I do enjoy making cotton strings, but, my “setup” is very manual. I wouldn’t feel good about selling something that wasn’t excellent, and, my string tension is variable at best. Also, the strings use feet of thread, and, just for fun one day I did the math on cost, it wasn’t pretty.

All that said, if you would like to try a string, PM me. I just ran out of my version of type 10, so, need to make some, making a few extra isn’t an issue.

Lastly, making string isn’t that hard, at least the way I make it. I use a drill, a couple of folding chairs on storage bins, and some paper clips. I learned from YouTube videos, I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with anyone who wants to make their own string.


Toxic was making the Lacers, I really liked those, have a few packs left.

I don’t know if any one making them now, other than the standard cotton you see. I contacted the factory that makes them, I’ve been wanting some type10 that are longer (I’m 6’5"). But the amount they said I needed to buy was way more than I’d ever use. So been debating on whether to find a bunch of people to go in on them with me, or just get a spool of string and start making my own.

Do you mean a longer version of the standard cotton?

I got a deal for you. You pay the shipping and I will send you a few 100 bundles.

I still have a serious grip of cotton from the old days, lol.

Stored in zip lock bags fo- Eva :sunglasses:

Pm me for pics and such👍


Yep. Type 10 but they would come like Kitty string, no pretied loop and 48" long.

Would need between 10-20 people to do so he order, minimum.

Today I decided to try a type 8 string (8 wraps of the thread) for my Duncan reproduction wooden Butterfly. Initial thought is this string is a bit too thin, but, I will update once I play it for more than 15 minutes.

I’ve been using type 8 cotton for longer than I can remember. It’s always worked well for me. I have found that as it gets dirty and worn it does seem to be tighter or thinner, but by then it’s time for a change in any event. Never tried type 10, but then I have a very large supply of type 8, both 100% cotton and 50/50 since it lasts longer than cotton.

The home made type 8 is growing on me. I’m one of those old guys who takes some time to adjust to different things.