
I am so in love with my copper Deep State!

Do you think you’ll ever do more copper yoyos?

I was wondering if copper plating yoyos is problematic in any way, such as having a high chance of inducing vibe, or creating too may B-grades because of tarnishing? I for one, wouldn’t care if it was already starting to tarnish.

I would buy a 2nd Parlay in a heartbeat, if there was copper one! Then I’d probably buy a third if you did it in a bead blast! I’d probably buy just about any yoyo you made in copperplate…


Yes, it’s a very problematic finish. We lost a few runs because it made them vibey.

At the moment we don’t have a shop we trust to it so that’s why you haven’t seen it in over a year.

We tried Parlays but they were vibey sadly :frowning:


I “liked” it, even though it made me sad…