Coolest Yoyo Design?

What yoyo do you think has the coolest design on it?

My avatar picture

The Stradivari and the Nostalgia.

Alchemy CU later

I’d have to say the currently non-existant bass-boost :smiley:

The Skeleton Wearing a top hat on one of the General Yo yoyos cant remember which now.

From what i have: auldey virus.

From what i dont have: yoyorecreation sleipnir

;D OK, so it’s not a stock design, but it’s still pretty cool!

All of you guys are crazy, its the Pistolero!

Those are from the BA Hatricks.

muntant dna.

ratface, that is probably the coolest yoyo i have ever seen.

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You mean like this? ;D

Or like this?

Sorry james, but im digging Samad’s.

That’s sick! I have a thing for gold yoyos lol! Yours is a bad butt Hatrick. Mine is a mini bad butt Hatrick because it has a little scull. Yet again: Your’s is SICK! ;D

                                                                             James Reed, Sick String!

Yah thats what I thought but thats my favorite.