is it ok?, example i have a legacy, the response system is silicone stickers right?
- is it ok to make it to flowable silicone?
- Can it affect the play if i apply a flowable silicone instead of silicone sticker?
is it ok?, example i have a legacy, the response system is silicone stickers right?
yeh you can convert it and put a different response system in. it will affect it but that isnt a bad thing. you wouldnt want to put a different response system in and see no difference.
if you are going to put flowable silicone in it though, you need to wait for it to set 100% before you throw it again.
if im correct flowable silicone can take anything up to 48 hours to cure.
hope this helps
silicone works fine in the legacy, just make sure you clean out any you get in the bearing seat and let it cure for 24 hours.
Actually, the response in Legacy is Flush Silicone. Yes, you can change it to Flowable Silicone. Personally, I think Flowable is better than Flush. They both are still great response systems.
Also, make sure the Silicone is flush in the recess. If it goes too far over the recess, then it might be responsive.
Also, don’t worry if its a little responsive at first. All you will have to do is break it in. Still, make sure it doesn’t go too far above the recess.