Contest: share your most "beat" yo-yo, win a new yo-yo! [ended 11/16]

This is my Yomega Maverick. It is my first, and only, metal Yoyo.

When I first decided to try my hand at throwing I bought a Ducan Butterfly from a shop at the mall. It was fun, and I learned a couple of tricks with it, such as Stop & Go and the Trapeze.

It wasn’t long before I wanted to upgrade. I looked over Amazon and found the Maverick. As a long time Mega Man X fan, I felt the Maverick was perfect.

It arrived in the mail, and I excitedly tried it out. I gave it a few throws, and it felt great. Compared to my Butterfly it was like night and day.

I took it to work with me, and I’d mess around when I had some free time. That was a couple of years ago.

Well, one day at work I found a stainless steel ring caked in mud in a parking lot. I took it back to the shop and cleaned it thoroughly. It perfectly fit my index finger, so I put it on, and forgot about it…

A bit later I picked up my Maverick for a few throws and noticed it clanking against the ring when it returned. I thought nothing of it, and kept on for a few minutes. When I went to set the Maverick down I noticed a ding. As I studied it, I saw marks all around both edges. Dozens of them.

The stainless steel ring had bit into the soft aluminum of the Maverick with every throw…

I was a little upset, but over time I’ve gotten used to it. I figured the damage was already done, so I still use it with the ring. It actually makes a very satisfying clank every time it returns.

Since then I’ve picked it up almost every work day, at least for a few throws.

I’ve learned a few more tricks, such as Magic Drop and Shockwave. In the past few weeks I’ve learned the Houdini Mount, which is my favorite so far. From there I can drop into a trapeze, then repeat Magic Drop and Shockwave until the Maverick runs out of steam. So much fun, and I think my tricks are starting to actually look good to observers.

I think I’ve pushed the Maverick about as far as it will go, and have been thinking of getting an upgrade. There are so many options though, I honestly don’t know where to start…

I found this contest on Reddit and thought, maybe that’s a good place!


(I’m a new user, so I can only add one image . I do have others though if needed, including one with this topic in the background.)

Edit: I stuffed a couple more photos in there, then reduced image quality until the file was <3MB.