Contest: share your most "beat" yo-yo, win a new yo-yo! [ended 11/16]

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As Richard Hammond said in that truck episode of Top Gear, “I know it’s bad, I know it’s bad…”

Yeah. This is one of my most beaten up yo-yos, it’s a Duncan Pulse, and it was one of my first yo-yos. Well, I have a few stories about it and it being beaten up… How it went was, I was busy re-arranging the string and putting in a new bearing when suddenly a friend comes up, pushes me, and two bearings (one brand new) and a spacer tumbled straight down the side of the building. You can imagine what I said to him for that… In the end one of my Duncan Pro Zs had to sacrifice a spacer and it’s bearing, sharing it with the Pulse. You may see, in one of the photos, that one of the sides of the Pulse has no batteries and other electronics… That was because I wanted to replace the axle (remember I was an absolute beginner then) So I tore out the electronics and some plastic walls and found that the plastic holding the axle in was firmly stuck to the yoyo. So now only one side of the lights work. As you can see in the photo, the paint is scratched due to repeated smashing (again, remember I was a beginner) and it now says it’s a ‘Dunan Pse’ on one side and a ‘Duncan Puse’ on the other!:smiley: and That’s it’s story.

unnecessary information Also, the photo was taken with a Canon EOS 5D MKIII and the computer is a mid 2009 Macbook Pro.unnecessary information ends

Are there any photo quality points? :wink: