No you haven’t Greg , but i’ll considered that in mind .
I’ve read dozens of topics talkings about Chaser , Capless , DV888 etc etc… but i can’t really figured out what is the best yoyo that i need , so in short i’ll make a list of yoyos and depends on you guys voted .
The list is consist of:
-Dark Magic 2
-Super Fly
-Celestial Ampoule
-Turning Point- Positron ( i dunno what’s the name of this yoyo but is somewhat similiar ,i think )
Is the TP that’s similar to the Positron the Solenoid? If so, it’s a close toss up between that and the Berserker with the Superfly a close second. Of course, those are all crazy elite premium throws (Positron is $190, Solenoid and Berseker are $180 each and the Superfly will run about $165).
Chaser: haven’t played
DV888: my first metal yoyo and my first unresponsive. Plays very heavy but reliable.
Dark Magic 2: one of the best plastics in the business. Does just about everything you want it to.
Celestial Ampoule: haven’t played
Yuuksta: I don’t really care much for the Yuuksta. Can’t explain why but something about it just doesn’t feel quite right to me.
Trinity: Pretty much a full metal version of the DM2. Personally, I find that the DM2 runs rings around the Trinity (in any case, my DM2 should be in your hands shortly).
Protostar: a lighter, quicker version of the throw that was used to win worlds in 2010. Quick, balanced and comfortable but my god is it noisy!
So, if a nutshell: if you’ve got money to burn, get a Berserker. Or for $10 more, take your pick from YYR where there really is no bad choice. If you’re on a budget, get the Protostar (or Northstar if you want the same thing with a bit more weight).