Congrats dryoyo!

Good encouragement!

We finally needed a moderator, and Andre picked the right choice!

I really hope this goes over well, and I respect Andre’s rules, and authority every bit. :wink:

Um ok, Congrats dryoyo!

Happy Throwing! =]

Sounds really weird.

But, I see why Andre did that after that mega flaming war a couple nights ago.

We should respect his rules.

But - will there be a Forum eXpert this month, too?

I want to see how they pick it. ;D


Thanks Samad. :slight_smile:

May I ask what this Mega flaming war was?

I was gone all weekend.


Ninja link:

Haha. What the heck?!

Wapha? ;D

Oh, excuse me your ninjaness! :stuck_out_tongue:

What about here? This is the root of it. I was searching the forums, and I came across this:

Doesn’t sound too great myself…

Dang. I don’t come online for a couple of days and then I just miss everything.

Anyways, congratulations Dr. Yo-yo. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Dr. YoYo! I’m sure you’ll be a great mod. :slight_smile:

YoYoExpert Edit on first post. :wink:

Dryoyo’s name is now blue! :stuck_out_tongue:

He is officually a moderator! :slight_smile:

Wow! I managed to miss just about everything.

We needed a mod, and dryoyo was the best pick. This will probably have a pretty quick impact.

And his name is blue :o I remember that the eXperts used to be blue, but we are now maroon.

Addment: Now let’s go for a double-eXpert moderator in section of their choice thing of July. Don’t act like we don’t need it.

So, will we still have a July Expert or is dryoyo it? I don’t see him in the July Expert thingy, so…

Anyways, congratz!

Yes we will hopefully have a July eXpert. I’m hoping for Samad, but let’s not discuss this here.

Me too (about Samad for Mod), thanks for your help.

Congrats Dryoyo for being a moderator!