Concave Bearings for Responsive Play

Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to put a concave bearing on a responsive YoYo? That said does anyone have a recommendation for a full size C bearing for responsive play? I understand that any bearing will play responsive with enough lube.

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A heavily thick lubed genetic concave is my favorite setup in Deep State and Deeper State. Response is still just right, but avoids snags on string wraps.


I personally use rubber shielded bearings in all my responsive throws. Keeps the grease/lube in so I’m not constantly doing maintenance and it keeps my strings nice longer. The rubber shield also has more friction in general, so I find it helps keep things snappier too.

I should note I only really play 0A with my responsive throws, I don’t really do responsive 1A.


I have a Deep and Deeper coming. Hopefully today for the Deep but late next week on the Deeper, I can’t wait to try them out. I’ll try out your bearing recommendation.

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If you decide you want to put more lube on do the rubber shields come off easy?

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Yeah, i just use a sewing needle to get between the shield/race and lift off gently. If you dont bend the shield they reseal again easy too.