Coming Soon to YoYoExpert!


We’ve been thinking about it, no official answer as of right now. If we do get them expect to see a big announcement though!

YOYOFFICER Restock? or releases?

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What type of engraving?

Are you planning on getting the CLYW orca?

We have Hatchet 2 and Kilter 2 coming in soon, along with some Orbis, Nifty, and Muskets!
4 will have the Slusny cup engraving and one solid black will have the VK YoYoFactory Rim engraving, not both.

Eventually, first run is only available through CLYW but we will get later runs!

Blimey, those VKs sure are pretty! :o

the past few weeks havent been good for your wallet have they gambit

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I told you guys we should have kidnapped Paul Dang

ok that jokes getting old

^ Joke? Did you not see that Titanium…? I’m just trying to find a suitable sedative…

Haha, oh man it’s awful. It seems like every time my wallet gets a break, companies just start dropping tonnes of amazing new stuff.

I mean just recently we have:

YYF Titanium
OD Titanium
Downbeat Brownbeat
Cyborg 2

It’s an all out assault on my bank account I tell ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

that cardboard box is starting to look real good

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Those looks so nice. How much will the cost?

oh no I just bought a Berserker SS

$180 C3 > YYF IMO

Though I can’t say for sure since I haven’t tried them :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that was my thought. I got it because it resembled the Draupnir and got good reviews

When will the hatchet 2 be up for sale?

We should have them online next week!

Kilter 2s?

Releasing with Hatchet 2, Hoping to get them up by the end of the week.

I heard the iYoYo line is coming. Is it true?

Do you guys have any idea on when you will have the YYJ Transcend in stock?