Come on baby, do the Locomotion!

New trick/joke/dance video coming up. Stay tuned!

This just in. The overhyped video is said to be uploading, but having troubles with very slow upload speed. This is not how YouTube used to act, but we’ll have to wait for some minutes.

More news about the matter, YouTube seems to be canceling my upload, this must be some stupid joke.

After more trying the video is in complete denial of uploading to either YouTube or Vimeo, will try again tomorrow with the schools network.

Can’t wait

Be careful what you wish for…

yep lots of superstitions out there… :-X

All I can say is that some parts of the video might or might not please you.

Really?We will seee…

Oh the music is gone, but it might be there if you watch the video from my channel:

Vimeo with correct music will be up.

Audio already? >:(

At least I got to see audio the first time :slight_smile:

Creative trick…

I was showing this to my Dad like 3 days ago…? And he was flipping out lol it’s simple but amazing.

Vimeo up!

LOL!!!Definetly one of my favs. ;D

Haha I thought I was the only one that did that trick, so easy but somehow so satisfying. :smiley:

I went on youtube and saw this. Yay! Maybe this will motivate me enough to make a video of the tricks and combos I discovered… But probably not.

It’s so much fun to just stand there and go on with it. And it combos with a lot.

Also, I don’t know if I’m allowed to post this at the nation due to the end picture ( just shotgunned Erik), does anybody know if I’m allowed to or not?

Also, Youtube will probably have music in some time.

Addment: Saying a lot of also

Snaddment: You know you love the funky crab.

I think you should challenge Theorganizer to a dance off. :wink:

Dance is actually a subject at my school. I just have a feeling that he might be a bit more limber than me.

Good trick, but the Grand Funk Railroad version of the song is superior. :slight_smile:

I love you. Marry me.

No, but seriously, that was awesome. My sides hurt now.

Thanks for the comments guys.

YouTube finally has audio (so go there and rate, fave, comment, subscribe ;))

Hehe Guy Wright does the Locomotion at 3:05