Well on the server TNT doesn’t destroy anything and the Enders dragon isn’t hard to kill if someone spawned the wither In that would be a different story. And also I think we need to work on spawn for it to be entirely new or put in a new seed because most of the time the server is getting worse in many cases.

Um… Last time I checked TNT does destroy blocks

After I saw all The damage I tested it ’

But re building spawn would be a good idea

oh what happened to the plugin for the TNT blocks note to explode?

I dont know but someones been doing some serious griefing

So… Does sushi even go on his server…

Probably not by the looks of things. But Im really glad someone OPed me. 'Cause then I was able to put my self in creative mode and at least repair some of the damage

Does anyone know who’s been putting tnt all over the place on the server?

Nope whoever is doing it is when no one is on the server which means at odd hours of the day or when no one is on which is common.

Yea I saw someone on last night I didn’t recognize his name though He said he wasn’t the one who placed all the tnt but he could have been lieing

Well I got on the server I was on for about 5 minutes and then some guy came on and started detonating all the tnt and then I suddenly lost connection

Sushi I think you should get th plugin so that tnt cant destroy blocks

Congrats you know who it tis now. Now how about someone bans him or white lists him?

I dont even remember the name though It was something weird like tc3 something I didn’t have time to memorize it because I lost connection

But I am Oped So next time I see him on Im gonna ban him

Thanks :slight_smile:

No problem

I would hop on and see what kind of damage he did but It say’s the server is down

Is the server down? or is the problem on my end

probably on your end because i have connection.

ok thanks

Edit its says my connection has been refused did someone bann me?

The exact message says connection refused no further information

I am OP on the server… I can check it out later.

So Erik banned (username??)

Uh. Tnt needs to go?

my user name is yoyobob44 \

And yes if you know how to get the plugin where tnt wont destroy blocks that would be great