Collaborations that need to happen?

I think a dif e yo and CLYW would be cool.

I know I’ve already posted here but I just thought of something cool: Tom Kuhn x CLYW. Old school meets new school.

All the Canadian Companies should come together and make a throw and then some U.S companies and put them against each other

Love it in theory; however, too many cooks in the kitchen will likely spoil the broth. Unless the various phases were strictly divided, and there are only a few tasks that can reasonably be parceled out; let’s face it, a yoyo is not a complex object. Certainly a “Designed by W and X, machined by Y, ano’d by Z” would work. You couldn’t divide it up usefully beyond that, I wouldn’t think.

A spyy spike and a clyw inner ring on the same yoyo

could such a thing be possible…


My dream throw would be an Arctic Circle, but anodized and blasted by Monkeyfinger. The Gelada has the best ano and texture of any throw I have ever seen IMO. I just love the size and shape of the AC.

Acrylic side effects anyone?

I think YYJ YYF and Duncan. C3 and X3. OD CLYW and YYJ.

YYJ should partner with everyone so we can have a plastic hybrid and metal version of the best yoyos. A plastic hybrid and metal chief would be LEGIT!!

Yyj and yyf

Imagine the possibilities

General yo and one drop

That would be awesome.

Honestly, I’d love to see more of collabs with Landon period. I missed out on the super limited Collabricon, and chance of me getting one are pretty darn slim. :wink:

I know Landon’s work is top notch regardless of his medium.

C3 & C3

Let manufacturers do what they want. Not every single yoyo has to be a collaboration nowadays. Yes, it’s sweet but it’s almost unnecessary.

Haha you just want a free CLYW :wink:

You say that like there are a bunch of collabs going down out there. :wink:

More importantly, though: it’s not just “almost” unnecessary… it’s absolutely and COMPLETELY unnecessary! Each company has proven to be fully capable of producing their own yoyos.

Collabs are the result of fun and speculation, not necessity. :wink:

Every manufacturer has a certain “type” of yoyo they make. YYJ making hybrids for example. It’s fun to get companies out of there comfort zone and have new styles! Who knows, maybe a collab will bring the next big thing to yoyoing!

Every two months when this topic pops up, I always harp on this:


A hybrid Chief or a DM2 with double metal rims would be amazing.

guys… I need something.

I need this… with side effects. It’ll never happen, but if it did… I would make it rain all over the screen.

A triple collab

General Yo, OD, CLYW.

Model 10, machined by OD withSEs and 10 ball
Aman anno, with the General Yo Blast.
Double rim. With Snowtires response.
I’m dying.

That would be so stunning.