Me and Pheenix were chatting a bit ago and we got into an argument about which company is better. So vote which u think is better.
Personally I like CLYW better as I don’t like the looks of ILYY for some reason.
Don’t judge any yoyo by it’s looks. The IlYY yoyos may look kinda funny but there play
is awsome. Especialy the Wasabi.
keep spinning
I prefer CLYW.
I like both, but the quality of ILYY yos is just amazing.
Never tried neither of them, but I find that ILYYs look better. Too bad their both such a hassle to get.
Addment: If the Peak Mafia is slowing down the rockets, I would LOVE to get one.
Just like no yo-yo is better then another, no company is better then another.
And YYF pwns them all
Glad we agree.
Indeed we do Evan…indeed we do.

Just like no yo-yo is better then another, no company is better then another.
And YYf pwns them all
Glad we agree.
Indeed we do Evan…indeed we do.
Haha, I think YoYoFactory pwns them all too. ;D
But I just like CLYW over ILYY, my preference.
I guess I like CLYW better. All the ILYYs look the same, and Levi does some great stuff with CLYW.
Then again, I’ve never tried an ILYY.
Of there two, I like CLYW.
But I want to try the Magical Lio, it might guide me the waaaaaay.
Looks like CLYW is winning.