Hey guys, I just wanted to ask is there a difference between the CLYW fools gold and the regular CLYW. I know there is a difference, vibe etc. But like Yyf … There bgrade stuff had a little bgrade logo engraved on it. Does the CLYW fools gold have anything engraved on it to notify it’s a fools gold edition aka b grade?
yye said that you can “feel” the vibe, but you can’t see it. so… I’m gonna go ahead and guess that it’s not bad in the least. Chris has like as high of standards as Ernie does, and that’s sayin’ something.
My avalanche should come tomorrow. I got the 28 stories fools gold edition. It stinks because it is my birthday present from my mom and dad, and they said I can’t open it until my birthday, October 23rd. I don’t know how long i’ll be able to wait knowing there is an avalanche in my house but I can’t play with it.