CLYW Campfire

First off, this is a great yo-yo. Superb. Despite being relatively small , it plays like a full size monster.
Feel- This has a very comfortable feel in the hand. Much like a dv888. The anodization is as smooth too.

Looks- This is the best looking yo-yo I have. The Bead blasting is perfect, and comes in some great colors. My personal one has a purple string and it looks great. The campfire logo on the side is simple yet appealing. The anno and engravings are not as fancy as other CLYW’s.

Play-The campfire does one of the cleverest things a pocket yo-yo can do. It feels heavy in the hand but it floats on the string. Because of that, this yo-yo is very fast and maneuverable. The rings on the side haven’t been used for tricks, some people think they are just aesthetics, but I live in hope. I had heard that the campfire was not good at grinds because of the size but it finger grinds like a dv888. The only problem i have is that with its small diameter it is harder to land those insane combos.(if only i could do them. ;D)

Final thoughts- As i said, this is a great yo-yo. Don’t be deceived by its size, this is a true player. This is coming with me wherever i go.

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nice review but you really didnt give alot of detail
you also compared it to the dv888 to much, some people may have never used a dv888 so it would be confusing for them

overall good review

I love the box and pictures, however, please include in-depth details about the yoyo and don’t only compare the yoyo to only one yoyo, widen your thoughts on it…
