Clean Northstar bearing with deathgrip spacers?

I have a new northstar, and it has some kind of hair, most likely mine or from my dog, in the bearing. Would putting it in the lighter fluid I use to clean my bearings help, or would air, water, or something else be a good solution? I thought I had a protostar so maybe I’d swap the bearing, but it hasn’t turned up yet.

Did you attempt to remove the shields first? If you remove them you will likely be able to remove the hair and do a good cleaning.

A small flathead screwdriver is the key to removing the spacers. A little patience and a lot of gentle prying will get the job done. Then you can just clean the bearing as usual.

I don’t remember where I got this one, but it works well.



Edit: It took me like 5 minutes to get that spacer off and the only reason I put it on was to take a picture for this response! :rofl:


Respect :fist_right::boom::fist_left:


Those old Northstar/Protostar spacers are a joke. It’s a crime that they came out the other end of YYF’s R&D.