Hey @Myk_Myk i can try and organize next month . When I get to a computer I’ll pick a winner and get next month set up
Hey y’all would you guys prefer a new trick or would you like to have maybe an end of the year wrap up where we incorporate elements of 2 tricks plus ? Let me know . I know we off to a bit of a late start
Incorporating multiple elements could be fun. It’s always interesting seeing how everyone gets from one element to another.
Hello Everyone ,
There were nine entries this month .
- Marco
- Issac
- Christian 8693
- EOS44
- Slar
- Upmanyu
- L17sky
The winning number was 9 @l17sky
Congrats, please contact @AndreBoulay for your prize winnings .
My thoughts for the next month are either Towers , or to incorporate multiple tricks we have done for the year into a trick remix.
Maybe Towers and/or Rock the Baby variations? In other words, it could contain a Tower, and/or RTB, maybe even and/or a Star.
Fun! That Spinworthy yo-yo is gorgeous too!
Thank you! Had a lot of fun with this month trick, excited to try to come up with the next trick for December.