This month will be a bit different. Instead of remixing an established classic, I want to see a trick that brings you in direct contact with the yoyo so:
Palm Grinds
Finger Grinds
Thumb Grinds
Body Grinds
Finger Spins
Talon Grinds
Snap Starts or Pull Starts (As long as they are an integral part of the trick. I’m thinking fixies… )
Anything else you can come up with: bouncing off head, foot, chest, etc…
Put one or more into your new trick to qualify.
Once again this one is open to top tricks. Any new trick where the top comes in contact with your body will count. There are quite a few classics.
$100 YYE gift card!!!
Mystery YoYo
Short Circuit or Trompo Grande for spintop entries.
Submit here in this thread. If you post to IG, please use #yoyoremix
Here is my entry for the month. Wish I had the time to make it a little cleaner, but I’m swamped with the back to school season. Cool combo so far in the thread though. I really like seeing everyone’s ideas!
Man, I wish I had already posted mine. When you see it, you’re going to think it came from watching yours! Once again I’ll need @TheThrowingGnome to vouch that he saw me do it (at least part of it) two years ago.
It is different, but it has a similar catch to a thumb grind, and also a dunk into a GT.
Do you remember the trick? I did it on Jacob’s(?) Snack. It had the crossing arms catch to a thumb grind. I’m trying to add to it for this month’s trick, though.
I thought you might remember because you were trying to do that element.
Yeah guys and gals, at this rate, I’ll have to include JD in the drawing!
I have three more tricks (Lawn Mower is in the OP) in this category, but time is not much in excess for me these days. But I’m going to try my best to get them in.
I still have more ideas, but maybe this thing has run its course? I really thought a lot more people would be excited to participate with such an open-ended format.
If we did do another week, I was thinking Buddha’s Revenge…