Anyone here into Clash Royale?
Currently sitting around 3200 with a Elite Barb/Miner deck.
Also in a pretty awesome clan, but hoping to push to 4000 and join Panda Scheme.
I played it during the summer but I quit a while back.
Yup. Lv11 around 4200 trophies. My clan is pretty good.
Nice! What’s your current deck?
Ice wiz, fire spirits, hog rider, elite barbs, minion horde, ice golem, zap, fireball
Level ten, 2400, with a golem clone deck
Where do you guys see the meta shifting to?
Since the newest balance changes I’ve been seeing a lot of goblin barrel/bait decks.
Started playing again not very good at only 1,290 trophies but it’s fun every so often