Chuck Norris Thread.

This message is Chuck Norris approved.


Chuck Norris doesn’t read books… He stares them down 'til he gets the info he wants.

^ Are you guys seriously just copy-pasting now? At least come up with some original ones, jeez.

Some of these are made up.

Some of these are copied and pasted.

Manofmystery’s one was original.

Chuck Norris plays his PS3 on the X Box…idk im a BK when it comes to chuck norris jokes

Chuck Norris put a pound of sugar in your diet soda. Then said “Sucks to suck”

Chuck Norris has demanded a new yoyo contest division: 6A - Full Contact.

When Chuck Norris wrestles it’s not fake.

Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerkey.

Chuck Norris once drank 100 energy shots, he blinked.

Chuck Norris sold his high school ring on eBay, the buyer is now known as Green Lantern.

Chuck Norris can cure cancer with his tears, too bad he doesn’t cry.

Chuck Norris can create a Cauchy Sequence that doesn’t converge in a complete space. (Bet nobody gets that one.)

But Chuck Norris does.

No noise in space? :smiley:

If chuck norris is late for a meeting, time better slow down.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Chuck Norris can strangle someone with a cordless phone.

Chuck Norris doesn’t mow his lawn, he just stares at it and dares it to grow.

Santa checks his list twice just to make sure that the demands of Chuck Norris are met.

When Chuck Norris wants a glass of OJ, he squeezes Florida.

Chuck Norris doesn’t have a watch, he chooses the time.

There can only be one Avatar at a time…aside from Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris has boots made from Crocodiles he killed with his bare hands.