Chuck Norris Thread.

when chuck norris tells time, time does.

Craters aren’t created from meteors. Craters were created when Chuck Norris attempted High Jump.

Chuck Norris can speak braille…

Here is one that my brother made up. “Chuck Norris can shave himself with his beard.”


Once a grizzly bear threatened to eat Chuck Norris. Chuck showed the bear his fist and the bear proceeded to eat himself, because it would be the less painful way to die.

Chuck Norris’s mother gave birth to a god

Chuck Norris can smell braille…

I can too…

Maybe, like the metal one’s.

Sir, that joke wasn’t funny.


The smell braille one,

not really funny.

ghosts sit around the campfire and tell chuck norris stories.

Chuck Norris can play this.

Haha! I love the Death Waltz! Just something about how it sounds…

I know right?

Chuck Norris can draw a perfect rainbow with a black crayon.