Chuck and Jensen (Merged w/Charles and Jensen)

Miss seeing new yoyoing videos and shenanigans from them.

So I know they were starting a company or something but it has been awfully quiet. Any updates?

Chuck was just looking for some string the other day for a video he wanted to make. Maybe a video for new product?

Those 2 are probably my favorite throwers. Their style, look at style, look at yoyos, etc. is so good.

Those 2 are awesome I can’t wait to see Chucks new video

I know me too. They need to make a video soon

they sure do

wait they are starting a company?

I never heard that they were starting a company. They were partnering up for something I believe but it wasn’t confirmed that it has to do with yoyoing as far as I know. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Well, I heard that they both seriously injured their throwing arms during a Cage match over a last slice of Pizza.

And now they are selling Girl Scout cookies for the Foreign Legion.

I heard that once they both fully recover, they are teaming up to Revolutionize the Scene by re-inventing yoyo string by using materials closely resembling actual string.

And Jensen has a Patent pending for a new Licorice designed with the twist going to other way.


I organized that cage fight.

But it was my slice of pizza

I think Chuck has been doing stand-up comedy a bunch lately, and Jensen has his art. I always thought that they were going to collaborate and make some kinda clothing company featuring Jensen’s art.

Jensen discovered that while eating licorice with a reverse twist and walking backwards at the same time that he could penetrate the Time Space Continuum and literally see Yoyo tricks from the inside.

From that inner viewpoint Jensen could anticipate and indicate exact critical time windows for regens.

Incredibly using this inner view advantage Jensen was able to identify molecular level functionalities of living things.

He has also applied for a Patent for a Pizza Tree that actually grows Pepperoni slices!

Krispy Kreme also owes Jensen a debt of gratitude. Jensen devised a method of literally turning donuts inside out so the glaze is on the inside.

No more sticky fingers!


The donut thing was my idea. He stole it!

whatever they do, it’s going to be awesome. I just hope they do it soon.

To be honest, I’m getting hype for the pizza tree.


Yes, there is a yoyo company in the works.

That will be pretty awesome. I’m gonna plant a forest and make a Pizza stand

So I saw a while ago that charles haycock and Jensen Kimmit left clyw. Did they make a new company? If so, what is it called?

They’re doing their own thing right now. So far, they’ve made a fixed axle yoyo painted like a donut with a hole in the middle lol. They’re just running through facebook right now.