Chess anyone?

Chess makes all our brains hurt…

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Oh man i love chess. I decided to make a whole set using only hand tools. I have all the wood for the pieces but still deciding what to use for the board. I will carve all the pieces by hand. The pieces will be made from ebony for the dark pieces and pink ivory for the light pieces… i would like to use the traditional boxwood for the light pieces but i was concerned about the weight differences. Also i dont want to use a normal finish on the pieces, just wax on a buffing wheel.


I Have watched GMhikaru’s entire B0ngcloud opening series. I love a good game of chess

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Just created an account, username is craZivn same as on here!


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Just send you a challenge!


I only play with my dad. I bought a nice Chess set when I was in Italy while serving in the Navy. There was a two year stretch that was probably the best of our lives. I had a weird work schedule but it gave Thursday thru Saturday’s off. Every Friday I would stop by for us to play.

I find it funny I saw this thread right after my wife blew my mind while watching the first Harry Potter movie. She said you realize the crazy handicap Ron is playing? Keeping his King, Harry, Hermione and himself safe during that game.

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Accepted! I think. I got requests for two games and accepted both, it’ll take me a little bit to learn the nuances of this app.



Idk how I ended up here… but here we are haha probably why I had to sell yo-yos. Anyone here play over the board?


Wassup chess heads. I had a hard chess phase after queens gambit came out and I wanna share the funniest username I battled on—kingsacrifice hah every time I think about chess I remember this persons username and laugh I don’t know I just think it’s funny af


My only OTB opponent at the moment:


He looks 3000 elo


That’s the other Botez Gambit… :rofl:

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I started bartending part-time and always keep a Chess board set up on the bar in case anyone wants a game. I’ve had a few takers!

I also have flyers up with a challenge posted, I’m trying to find good players in my area. So far nobody’s bitten at that.

And in the time since I’ve gotten the Chess app I’ve had many excellent games against StringTied and possibly some other members from here, not sure what your Chess names all are!



Yes more chess lovers! I haven’t played in a while but last time I was active I was around 1800 and mainly played Kings Indian & Catalan. I heavily preferred 3-5 minute games. I really just play OTB now. Oddly enough I haven’t seen the Queen’s Gambit lol. What got me into chess was the movie ‘Pawn Sacrifice’ where Tobey Maguire played Bobby Fischer and Liev Schreiber played Boris Spassky.


Anybody else watching this final round of the Candidates? Let’s go Hikaru!

Man, people here are into a wide variety of things.

These people are my kinda people.:hugs:


Just got it unpacked last night. I won the first game.


I was the best 4th grader in my elementary school chess club :laughing:
Me and the top 5th and 6th grader had a 3 way rivalry going on.
I prefer playing in person than online, but I like to do chessle!


Computer is consistently kicking my A$$.
Going to go up to level six.
It’s good to be playing again. Good for the brain.


Ive got into chess a lot from last month,
managed to get 300 rating yet!!
it’s also soo good for warming up the brain after waking up.
productive af

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