check this out. potential collab in the works

sky marmot

wooly marmot X sky walker

hes right

This thread is not referring to a clywXvsnyyc colab, hereā€™s why. After worlds Chris gave heath a yoyo that his machinist tried, it ended up looking like a sky walker chief colab. This was at worlds and it was the first time Heath had seen it. I do believe there will be a clyw vsyyc colab, but not the colab of this thread.

Nothing in the works. Sorry to burst your bubble.

That was just one friend giving another friend something they should have.

Dang! i really thought I was onto something there.

Could you tell us if anyone has said it yet? Also knowing the quality of yoyos vs newton dose i strongly belive its not recrev as cool as that would be. And for the record i love recrev and buy almost all their yoyos so dont think im saying they dont have good quality, vs newton is just better.

Chico would be sweet. The XL Skywalker!

This post has been a long time coming and I know Iā€™m going to receive some flack for saying this, but I think the collab that everyone wants to see is a collab between Heath and a machine shop. Iā€™m tired of this idea train that leads to nothing.

Health, I get that youā€™re busy, but come on, either put out some concrete information about release dates or stop making threads like this. I was extremely unimpressed at how you handled your eBay charity stuff and if you want to be taken seriously by prospective buyers, other manufacturers, and old arrogant fools like me, you should start by not hiding behind lots of excuses for failed attempts at mystery bags, scrapped prototypes, releases, and etc. Donā€™t keep using ambiguous words when describing release dates. What the hell does potential mean and why would you even make a thread with that as a tagline? You didnā€™t know this about me, but potentially I will have millions of dollars. I donā€™t yet, but I have the potential to win a lottery. You canā€™t inspire confidence in your brand with that kind of talk.

Oh and donā€™t think that I donā€™t have love for VsNewtonā€“I do. I once owned a first run Skywalker, which had noticeable vibe, that I liked a lot. I thought your hand written note inside was a great idea. What a personal dude. What a champ. Iā€™m not trying to beat you up or make you feel like crap. Youā€™ve not lost me as a fan, I just think you need to set boundaries for the type of online presence that you have. Youā€™re exploding with ideas, but i canā€™t string an idea, an idea needs to be machined to be worth my time and my money.

Basically, my main point is this: I think that you should practice not getting the crowd charged up unless you have a box full of freshly anodized yoyos in your car, ready to be taken to the post office. Please just try that. It wonā€™t hurt, I promise.

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Totally agree with you