cheap metals

hi can you guys tell me all the metal yoyos which is undersized n not more than $90…also are there any plastic yoyo for experts which is good???

Axiom. DM.

You have the L3. But then you have the cheap US metals like the M1 or the whole YYF fundametal series.

Just pointing out, DM’s are slightly oversized.

Lots of plastic yoyos are good enough for experts.

For 1A, you have the Grind Machine, Speed Maker (Mickey has used this to compete and win at major Japanese contests, Kickside, Lyn Fury and Legacy.

For 4A, you have the Big Ben and Big-Yo.

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Oh. didn’t see that.

Like pheenix said there’s the M1 and also the Project 2 for $90.,3381.msg36437/topicseen.html#new

Please, read this. Its one of my new posts. Take Notice.

dv888, m1, and hectic are cheep metals.

Good Plastic YoYos…

YYJ Kickside
YYJ Journey
YYJ SpeedMaker
YYJ Lyn Fury
Duncan Freehand 2
Duncan Freehand Zero
YYJ Legacy
YYF Grind Machine

Good, Cheap Metals…

One Drop M1
YYF Hectic
YYF Frantic
One Drop Project 2
YYJ Axiom
YYJ Meteor

Just remember, no yoyo is better than the other. These are just a few great yoyos.

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whats a frantic? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

New affordable version of the C22. New addition to the Fundametal series.